Night Prayer - 'Compline'


Votive candle in cupped hands

" By day the Lord commands his steadfast love,
and at night his song is with me,
a prayer to the God of my life"
Psalm 42:8




Join with us for Night Prayer (Compline)
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9.00 p.m.

Led by different Church leaders & members
this is a short service of around 15 minutes.

A quiet and reflective time to end your day.

Click here to open the Zoom link and join in.

You can follow the order of service at Daily Prayer:from the CofE 
you can then print it out or follow it on the screen

you may find it easier to download the CofE Daily Prayer app
on your device or mobile phone and follow the service there.






Photo used under licence from Fotolia


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