He remembers his covenant forever, the word that he commanded,
for a thousand generations,
Psalm 105 v8
There is no streamed service today as we have our combined benefice service all All Saints, Somerford Keynes. Do join us if you are able to do so.
Notices for Sunday 24th November 2024
1 before Advent
Tarlton Holy Communion at 8am led by Rev’d Jim Caldwell
Somerford Keynes Combined Benefice Service at 10am led by the team
This week:
Monday 25th November
Little Fishes – Mondays during term time in Kemble Village Hall. 2-4pm. All babies, toddlers, preschoolers, parents and carers welcome.
Sportily Youth Club - Kemble Village Hall. Open to all in school years 4-9. Active session from 18.00-19.00. Social session from 19.00-20.00. For further details and booking: https://bookwhen.com/sportilythameshead#focus=ev-s1h4-20241014190000
Tuesday 26th November
Thameshead Ladies Connection, 7.15pm at The Spinney, Sapperton. Find out about the work of 'Fine Cell Work'. Meet Melinda, a master quilter, as she shares her experiences of working with male prisoners. For further details, please contact Aileen Shaw on 07807 199602.
Thursday 28th November
The first of a series of four Advent evenings will be held in Poole Keynes village hall from 7.30-9pm on the theme of ‘Love’. For further details, please contact Liz Collins. Further evenings to be held on 3rd, 10th and 17th December.
Friday 29th-Saturday 30th November
24 hours of prayer in the Upper Room at Kemble House. Please contact Jill Kingston for access. To sign up for a period of prayer, please visit https://signup.24-7prayer.com/signup/14f6d4
Next Zoom Prayer Meeting: Tuesday 8:30 – 9:00 am
Next Zoom Night Prayer (Compline) 9:00 pm: Mon, Wed and Fri - via website.
Time Out : Tuesdays during term time for men and women roughly 25-50 (alternating). 8-9.30pm. Please speak to Matt or Cadie Aspray for more information.
Next Home Group – at Kemble House: Wednesdays 7:30pm all welcome.
Thursday 7:30pm Home Group on Zoom – join via our website link or speak to Liz Collins.
Next Week: December 1st – Advent Sunday
Kemble Holy Communion at 10am led by Rev’d. David Cook
Sapperton Holy Communion at 11am led by Rev’d. David Austin
Rodmarton Holy Communion at 11am led by Rev’d. Pepita Walker
Somerford Keynes Holy Communion at 11am led by Rev’d. Angie Austin
Poole Keynes Songs of Praise at 4pm led by Liz Collins
Dates for the diary:
Tuesday 3rd December
Advent evening at The Forge, Kemble on the theme of ‘Peace’. 7.30-9pm. For further details, please contact Liz Collins.
Saturday 7th December
Rodmarton Christmas Bazaar in aid of the church. Rodmarton Village Hall 2.30-4.30pm. Father Christmas will be there from 3-4pm.
Cirencester Food Bank – current urgent needs
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